Why consider adoption from Ukraine?
- Meet children in person before accepting a referral
- Preview medical information about the child before accepting a referral
- Established adoption program in the country
- Fully escorted by experienced escorts in Ukraine

CAA service
Whether you are just beginning to consider adoption, or have been researching your options and preparing yourself for adoption for years, you will find our assistance with your next step.
Adoption is a wonderful way to build a family. At Child Adoption Associates, we understand that this process is tremendously emotional. Our compassionate, friendly, and supportive staff will provide highly personalized services and information, and support you through the process. We hope to ensure a smooth, successful adoption for each family.
Please note that Child Adoption Associates:
- puts into practice in-person interviews with prospective parents that enable us to develop a mutual trust and understanding and to create a basis for a successful match
- has contacts with everyone involved in the adoption process in Ukraine. Daily communications between CAA and Ukrainian partners enable CAA to keep up to date with the necessary information
- explains the travel process in detail and thoroughly reviews the actual adoption in Ukraine. Mutual trust, careful planning and adoption preparation occur throughout the entire adoption process, families are never left for themselves.
Ukrainian Adoption Program
The Ukrainian program is a very popular program among adoptive families because the process moves quickly.
Adopting a second child is more economically friendly with this program, so many families adopt two children at a time. Also, many families like the country’s policy of requiring the parents to meet the children before adoption.
Traditionally, as with most countries, international adoption placement decisions are based on one small photo of a child and a one-page medical report.
With the Ukrainian adoption you have an opportunity to see a child before adoption. Just imagine you have a freedom to meet a child and make personal interaction with him! Much of the uncertainty in the referral process could be alleviated, if not totally resolved. If you believe that actually meeting your child prior to accepting the referral would enable you to make a more comfortable placement decision, then adopting from Ukraine may be perfect for you.

Who can adopt?
Almost everyone who wants to. Ukraine has very few eligibility requirements for adoption program. You may be married or divorced. Of great importance is the fact that there is no upper age limit for the adoptive parents. There is no restriction about the number of children in the family. You may have a modest income. The main requirement is that you demonstrate your ability and commitment to provide a loving, safe home for a child.
What age children are available?
This program is basically suited best for families open to children from 5 and older. Younger children with certain medical conditions (often curable) may also be available. The children available are both boys and girls, and sibling groups.
Is there financial aid?
On January 1, 2002, Legislation went into effect awarding certain tax credits for adoptive families. Please consult a legal/tax professional regarding the specific of the law in your situation or check the IRS website www.irs.gov for more complete details. The legislation generally provides for a tax credit up to $10,000 for expenses incurred or paid in the adoption of the child.